Yellow AUTO near the center of the screen while in autoaim mode; some requested it
new features (configurable in json file):
- instead of AUTO the name of vehicle autoaimed is displayed
- ability to snap to nearest vehicle while autoaiming (when you autoaim without any target highlighed - the nearest vehicle to aiming circle is being found)
customizable appearance by json config
ability to define a toggle key code to (permanently) turn the mod on or
off with it (you need to press and hold the key during the battle, off
by default as it could bring some performance penalty; list of key
codes can be found here)
available fonts:
default_medium.font (HGSoeiKakugothicUB 20)
default_small.font (HGSoeiKakugothicUB 15)
default_smaller.font (HGSoeiKakugothicUB 12)
(Arial 12)
(Courier_New 15
(Courier_New 13
(Courier_New 11
(Courier_New 10
(Verdana 20
(Verdana 15
20141031 first dated release
20141101 toggle on/off messages (can be removed from config or set to empty string to make it off)
20141103 optimization - should lag less
20141105 works fine with 0.9.4, no new files needed
20141106 angular snapping (vehicle closest to the aiming circle will be caught)
20141113 new option to limit snapping area, 7.5 degrees by default (roughly covers aiming circle)
20141120 E does not trigger snapping, indicator is hidden when one quits battle
20141121 (optional, on by default) outline for locked target
Kind request to mod packers to drop a line here if one adds the mod to its pack
Available in modpacks: OMC, webium's, Aslain's
directory with all my mods
other mod: